When Did it Become True?
Monday night something amazing happened to me.
Not at a writers conference or in a church service, although equally amazing things have happened to me during both of these events. While making dinner this thought crossed my mind…I’m a writer and a speaker. In the comfort of my own home, completing a mundane task, it became true. I have a degree in creative writing, I’ve managed my personal blog over a year, I have had articles published on websites, and received rejection letters. I have attended three writing conferences, won a writing award, written plays for my church and been blessed to speak at several different venues since I was 16 years old. And yet when people ask me what I do, I stammer trying to find a simple answer that explains my complicated situation, while not giving my life story. I don’t know why I didn’t feel I could just simply answer, “I am a writer and a speaker.”
I believe the reason is that it had not yet become true to me. My heart did not allow itself to believe this fact. But for some reason in the stillness of doing an everyday task, I claimed the calling and purpose God has placed on my life. Standing in my kitchen, what I believed God called me to do someday, became who I am today— My name is Whitney Lane Ward and I am a writer and a speaker. I am a writer who is working on several manuscripts in hopes these stories will be published someday to encourage others who have diseases that there is hope for their future. The world may have convinced them a disease will only give them a life of misery and “can’t,” but my words will show them they will have a life filled with joy and “cans.” I am a speaker who just launched my inspirational speaking website, MORE- https://whitneylaneward.weebly.com. Wherever God opens doors, I will share with anyone who needs to be reminded of this truth: God created them to be MORE.

When did it become true for you? When did your calling and purpose become MORE than what you hoped to do in the future, but settled over you to define who you are? Let’s encourage each other! Let’s uplift each other in the fact that we all have worth and meaning. Let’s reassure each other that we were put on this earth to accomplish something. I invite you to comment and share with others so they will know that moment is possible and they will be able to someday say- My name is...and this is who I am.