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Saturday, August 11, 2018

New Beginnings

            I’ve always been drawn to the number 8.
 I realized why a few weeks ago when my pastor said in his sermon the number eight means New Beginnings in the Bible. As I thought about it later I saw despite the uncertain days I have lived, I knew in the depths of my soul one day I would witness New Beginnings.
When will I be financially stable enough to live on my own? When will I meet the man God has for me? When will he and I get married? When will we have kids? When will my writing career take off? When will I get an agent to represent my writing? When will I get a publishing contract? When will more doors open to share the story God has given me to others are questions that are constantly on my mind
But God recently allowed me to see New Beginnings with my writing career in a way I didn’t expect— through the Taylor Professional Writing Conference.

Ok, I know, I know, isn’t that the very purpose of a writing conference? To get you excited and energized to take your writing to the next level? It definitely is, but I never planned to attend this conference at Taylor University. What I did know this past February was I wanted to go to a writing conference Michelle Medlock Adams would be at. When I saw she was on the faculty at the Georgia Christian Writing Conference in Marietta, Georgia where my Dad’s extended family lives, I couldn’t believe how perfect this conference would be. I booked my plane ticket, made arrangements for my family to get me to and from the writing conference, and I was so excited to be attending a conference that was tailored after the prestigious Florida Christian Writing Conference. I had my heart set on attending this conference 
Then I found out in April the location of the Georgia Christian Writing Conference changed from Marietta, Georgia to Toccoa, Georgia. With a heavy heart, I canceled my plane ticket and notified my family I would no longer need their help. I decided to go back and look at Michelle’s schedule again and see if there was another conference that was either close to where I lived or in a state near family.
I found the Taylor Professional Writing Conference in Upland, Indiana, August 3rd-4th. Michelle was a part of the faculty and would be one of the keynote speakers. The conference was near my aunt, so I registered for the conference and made plans with my mother for her to drop me off at Taylor University, while she would visit her sister in Woodburn, Indiana.
I have to be honest, even after I registered for the Taylor conference, I was still crushed I couldn't attend the Georgia Christian Writing Conference. I was excited I’d still get to learn from Michelle, glean invaluable knowledge from an excellent faculty, and get an “in,” of new tricks of the writing trade. But I was going from attending a three-day writing conference to attending a one-day writing conference- I didn't see how new doors could open for my writing in just 24 hours.
Remember how I found out the number 8 means New Beginnings a few weeks ago? Well, I believe God knew the disappointment I was feeling and He was giving me confirmation that the best was yet to come. You know how God is though. He doesn’t just give you one confirmation, He gives you another one, just so you know without a doubt He’s at work.
When my mom and I were traveling to Taylor University, I brought up my Bible app and this was the verse- Brethern, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth into those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ. Philippians 3:13-14. I couldn’t believe it. A hope I didn’t have before began to grow in my heart. I showed my mom the verse with a smile and said-  New Beginnings.
Now, these two confirmations would be totally be enough, but God likes to give His children MORE than enough— and He gave me the MORE through Michelle’s key note. Michelle’s first point in her speech was “Gaze Forward and Go Forward.” Seriously, you can’t make this stuff up. I was on the edge of my seat in awe— New Beginnings.
The Taylor Professional Writing Conference was the conference God wanted me to attend and so many doors began to open for me through this opportunity. I learned so much and I’m starting to see the light of the New Beginnings of the mission and the calling of writing God has placed on my life. The possibilities at hand give me excitement and a drive to press toward the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ because He is the source of all New Beginnings

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