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Friday, August 24, 2018

Smile at the Endings

I’ve loved the topics I’ve tackled the past couple of weeks in my blog posts—
topics I’m quite passionate about. I didn’t know what I should share this week until a few days ago. I have a calendar with inspirational quotes that encourage people to go for their God-sized dreams. I absolutely love the motivation and drive these pieces of wisdom have given me.
A habit of mine before I go to bed is to flip the page of the calendar and read the quote for the next day. On Tuesday, I turned the calendar to this quote- “When you say “yes,” to God-sized dream, you are committing to a significant investment in your life. That means cutting back on extraneous emotional and energy expenses in other areas. Because many dreamers are big-picture idealists (which serves us well in many ways) we often underestimate the “cost,” of what we’re undertaking.” 

Wow! That hit me really hard and I knew God was trying to teach me something. Especially when I looked at the quote again yesterday and realized I had actually flipped the book to August 24th – which is today. I’d say the timing is ironic, but I know there’s nothing ironic about God. He always orchestrates experiences the exact way they are supposed to take place and at the exact time, they are supposed to happen.
After the first time, I read that quote, I laid in bed and pondered what it meant and what God was trying to say to me. I realized this quote was connected to the season of life I’m in right now and the recent blog posts I’ve shared with you. I’ve said “yes,” to my God-sized dreams and I’m on the brink of new beginnings. I truly feel in my spirit that a lot of changes are in my horizon. But with all new beginnings, something must take place first— endings.
I’m a big dreamer so I can say with assurance that the author nailed it on the head when she said that dreamers are “big-picture,” idealists. This describes me perfectly and quite often I’m “dreaming,” about the future final result—  when the dream is a reality. As I look back on my life, I see many times where I only dreamt and thought of the final result and when the dream finally became a reality, I was crushed when it ended.
God knows this about me and I believe He’s cautioning me to take stock of my endings. I honestly don’t know what could or what will end from this present stage of life, but this little check from the Holy Spirit has made me realize I need to treasure everything in my life now. I’m so thankful I have this time to prepare my heart so I can be content that old opportunities are ending and have peace that new opportunities are beginning.

Dr. Seuss is definitely not Biblical, but I find that his quotes are often quite profound. One of my favorites is, “Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” This is what I plan to do. When milestones end and experiences become a memory, I won’t cry because they are over. I’ll smile because they happened.


  1. It's a challenge to keep my eyes looking forward to God's calling for the next day. I tend to focus on tomorrow's failures and fears. I've battled some serious health problems the past year. I bought a plaque that sits by my bed and it says "Don't worry about tomorrow because God's already there." A cliche' I know, but it lifts my spirits.

    1. Sherry- I completely understand and have faced the same challenges! I think everyone deals with those fears, but especially more so when you're battling health issues. I've been there so I know the "what if's" increase when our quality of life decreases. So I don't think it's cliche' at all that you bought that plaque with that reminder because I can tell it gives you determination to cling to the strength God gives you to scale your mountains. Keep climbing because you're close to the top!


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